Female Hair Loss

6 Nov

Discovering What The Three Major Types of Female Hair Loss Are

Female hair loss is one of the most stressful problems that women experience today. It is a very disturbing state as it affects how women look. It is quite different compared to male hair loss as it has different pattern from men hair loss. That is the reason why men hair loss is distinguished from female hair loss.

The Difference Between Female and Male Hair Loss

Female and male hair loss both refers to the thinning of an individual’s hair. The difference is that female hair loss affects women while male hair loss affects men.  Female and male have different pattern when it comes to thinning of hair. Unlike men who experience thinning of hair in a specific part of their head, women suffer from an overall thinning of hair. Another difference between the two is that women do not experience receding of hair line at all.

Three Main Types

Female hair loss is divided into three main types. These three main types are:

1.)    Female Androgenetic Alopecia

It is similar to male androgenetic alopecia. The only difference is the pattern of the thinning of hair. Just like the male androgenetic alopecia, female androgenetic alopecia is the most common cause of hair loss of females. This type of hair loss is relative to hormonal changes. One example of hormonal changes of women that may lead to hair loss is the menopausal stage of women.

2.)    Female Telogen Effluvium

Female Telogen is the second in line after female androgenetic alopecia in the most common cause of hair loss of women. It usually occurs after a stressful event of the women’s body. Hair loss after giving birth to a child is an example of a female telogen effluvium. Nutritional factor can also be the cause of female telogen effluvium. Women who crash their diet can notice an exceeding hair loss. This is because an individual needs certain vitamins and mineral to boost the strength of hair roots and to avoid possible excessive hair fall.

3.)    Alopecia Areata

This is the third most common cause of hair loss of women. There is no clear explanation with regard to its cause. However, the reason is thought to be the body’s autoimmune response. Alopecia Areata starts as hair loss in a small certain area of the head. Alopecia Areata can remain as a hair loss in certain spots or can result to complete baldness of the entire scalp.

How to Fight Hair Loss of Females?

Women can fight female hair loss by taking the right kind of supplement. The supplements must contain certain vitamins and minerals needed by the body to grow strong and healthy hair. To get the most effective and safest supplement for female hair loss, consider using the supplement offered at www.sephren.com/female-hair-loss.html.

Use a Female Hair Loss Supplement and Protect Your Hair from Falling Off

30 Jan

Female hair loss supplements are natural methods by which, the hair loss problems seen in women nowadays can be treated effectively without bringing about any side effects. It is also considered the safest as compared to other medicines. They also assist in restoring the levels of amino acids that help in reducing hair loss.

These female hair loss supplements help in providing the right amount of amino acids, which are necessary for hair on the scalp of women. As a woman gets aged, the synthesizing process is unable to take place because of various changes in the body. Normally, severe hair loss indicates a lack of amino acid lysine, iron, vitamin B1 and vitamin C.

The antioxidants of vitamin C help in making healthy skin and hair by helping entire body metabolic processes, and transform the fats with carbohydrate into energy. It helps in the development of healthy collagen, which adhere the tissues collectively. So, it is helpful to avoiding separated ends and breakage of hair strands.

The Sources of Different Nutrients Present In Female Hair Loss

Vitamin C is present in abundance, in strawberries, citrus, fresh fruits, blueberry, tomato plants, oranges, most dark green, fresh vegetables and green peppers. A daily dosage of 60 mg of these vital elements is definitely needed for good health. Thiamine or Nutritional B1 aids in making the hair balanced and healthy, giving it thickness, excellent consistency and glow. It assists in providing minerals and vitamins to the hair.

Other female hair loss supplements that help to stop hair loss in females are supplements of B complex multivitamins like Biotin, Niacin, Inositol as well as nutrient E. Some important minerals like zinc, iron and magnesium are also reliable in reducing the loss of hair.

Generally, the vital food-based sources of these vitamins that are contained in good female hair loss supplements are: citrus fresh fruits like pineapple, kiwi, apples, bananas, green peppers, soybean, vegetable oils, natural and fresh green vegetables, wheat gram oil, dried beans, whole grains, brewer’s yeast, eggs, liver, rice, milk products, chicken, beef, sea food and turkey.

Further, there are many natural and herbal products, which are worth female hair loss supplements found reliable in combating thinning of hair. They are nettle root, Saw Palmetto, pumpkin, gotu kola, Uva-Ursi, Muria Puama, eleuthero and many more. In the recent years, you will come across many female hair loss supplements available in the market.

These products advertise in preventing the loss of hair and are generally prescribed by the experts, though a few prescription drugs are also available. In fact, there are certain providers who specialise exclusively in manufacturing hair loss medications. If you are a sufferer of hair loss and look for a suitable and effective solution, opt for female hair loss supplements containing natural ingredients. To know more about different kinds of female hair loss supplements in detail, please visit – http://www.sephren.com/.

A New Mode of Treatment Begins With Female Hair Loss Foam

30 Jan

There is an array of female hair loss products now available in the market place, in various forms including synthetic medications, natural and herbal products, supplements, pills and creams. A new product added to this list is female hair loss foam.

The basic thing to be kept in mind is that hair loss cannot be checked by merely taking in supplements and essential nutrients needed for hair growth, but also topically, as well. It is these topical treatments that get absorbed through the skin in delivering their ingredients directly to the areas where they would do their best service. The female hair loss foam, a product specially designed to control female hair loss helps in conditioning the scalp stimulating hair growth, and clears the path for new hair growth.

While selecting a solution for your terrible hair loss, do opt for female hair loss foam that contains natural and herbal products like Spanish Rosemary oils and White Cedar wood because you can be sure that there won’t be any side effects seen in any part of your body after its application. These natural ingredients also help in conditioning and revitalizing the scalp because they contain vital antioxidants like vitamins C and vitamin E which assist in neutralizing free-radicals that can damage cells of the scalp.

The Natural Ingredients Make Female Hair Loss Foam More Effective

These natural oils found in female hair loss foam help in softening and moisturizing a damaged and dry scalp in order to help in restoring hair follicles and promoting healthy hair growth. Sometimes, the hair follicles get clogged with accumulation of sebum, which inhibit hair growth. In such cases, it becomes strictly important to get rid of this build-up, so that it paves way for new hair growth.

In fact, Rosemary and Cedar wood are essential, natural oils, which help in stimulating hair growth, by raising blood flow to the scalp. As more blood flows, it equally allows more of the vital vitamins and nutrients in reaching the scalp. Proper and increased blood circulation helps in awakening the previously dormant follicles and promoting new hair growth.

The all-natural supplement of female hair loss foam restores and treats female hair loss from two specific angles. Combination of a nutritional supplement providing the needed vitamins along with topical foam aiding in conditioning the scalp and stimulating hair follicles assist in giving you an effective and complete hair loss treatment formula.

This two way approach provides an effective and unique treatment for women who experience severe hair loss with well noticeable results in just a period of three months. So now, with the introduction of the entirely new treatment technique of female hair loss foam, you need not have to have turmoil of the effects of continuous hair loss anymore. To get more information on female hair loss foam, please visit – http://www.sephren.com/how-sephren-works/

Get a Solution to Your Hair Loss Problems by Using Female Hair Loss Products

30 Jan

Females spend lots of time and money for keeping their hair look good. This is the main reason why hair loss is a cause of depression in women. The best way to handle this problem is to get into action and start treating your problem of hair thinning as soon as you notice that you are losing excessive number of hair strands. Female hair loss products can undoubtedly, be highly effective in triggering the growth of new hair.

You can avoid the risk of having side effects by opting for natural female hair loss products. This is because their ingredients don’t comprise of chemical composition that can often lead to headache, allergy, rashes and many other health problems. Though there are various prescription medicines and surgical options to deal with hair thinning and hair loss, it is always better and wise to try with natural products for hair loss from the initial stages itself.

Alternative remedies are surely going to help you grow new hair strands without the use of chemicals. If the chemicals get into your blood, they can lead to head aches and many other discomforts. The essential oils made use of in Aromatherapy are worth female hair loss products as they help in kindling your scalp to a great extent. A thorough massaging of a mixture of six drops of bay oil with an equal quantity of lavender oil on the scalp is an excellent way to enhance blood circulation.

It is always better when more blood flows to the scalp because it brings in vitamins and nutrients with it. In a good number of women, hair loss occurs mainly due to the deficiency of vitamin, iron, zinc and/or sulphur. The extract of nettle root contains an abundance of vitamin A and C which helps in making thick hair and a healthy scalp.

Proper Diet and Herbal Hair Loss Product Can Do Wonders

Women who suffer from hair loss due to Androgenic Alopecia or female pattern baldness can use rosemary and green tea because these herbs suppress the hormone secretion which causes female baldness. Minoxidil is yet another female hair loss product, which has brought in tremendous outcome. It is a solution that is rubbed evenly on the scalp. This product is readily approved for men, as well.

Diet has an important role when it comes to treatment of your hair loss. You ought to include fresh vegetables and fruits and other items like dairy and soy products, carrots and cabbage in your routine diet in promoting hair growth. Many shampoos are also available in the market place, which are excellent female hair loss products that claim to treat the troublesome loss of hair very effectively. They also help in thickening the hair. To get more information about hair loss in women and the various female hair loss products that are available now, please visit – http://www.sephren.com/.

Say Goodbye To Your Hair Loss Problems With The Female Hair Loss Treatment

30 Jan

Is there any girl or lady in this world, irrespective of age, who doesn’t dream of long, thick, shiny and silky hair? You can blindly answer this as ‘No’. So, it is a known fact that hair is considered as an important aspect of beauty in women. Just imagine the situation, when this ‘crowning glory’ of women starts coming off in handfuls from one fine morning, and in a few weeks or months, the scalp is left with hardly any hair strands on it! This is the situation where the female hair loss treatment enjoys great demands.

Special mention is required regarding the medicinal field where the scientists were able to bring out hundreds and thousands of medicines which could cure simple to deadly diseases and thus be a boon to the mankind. Chemical medicines are, therefore, a splendid way to fight back against nature’s dangers.

In the past few decades, it is the female hair loss that is requiring great attention because this disease is found in most of the women, one out of every five women, who are suffering physically as well as mentally due to hair thinning, hair loss and baldness.

Lookout For Female Hair Loss Treatment With Herbal Elements

It is generally said that hair is the crown of any woman, and so, it can be just imagined how a woman would be depressed when she sees strands of her hair coming off while combing or taking bath, which finally leaves the head with hardly any hair, within two to three weeks.

Nowadays, there are new hair products, being introduced by the renowned companies and manufacturers, claiming the successful female hair loss treatment. For this treatment, most of the ladies generally spend a lot of time and money, ending up unsuccessfully. They go for this because hair is undoubtedly, a vital part in the beauty of any woman.

However, it should be always kept in mind that any product, which is comprised of chemical compositions, is generally harmful to the human body, and so, preferences should be given to those containing natural ingredients. It is not that only modern medicines can give successful female hair loss treatment.

The less advertised fact is that the only effective and easy way of female hair loss treatment, without any side effects is the use of natural medicine. When the body no longer creates the necessary nutrients in an effective manner, with the hair not receiving the proper amount of nutrients, woman starts suffering from hair thinning, hair loss and diffused baldness.

It is mainly due to the changes brought about in the hormonal secretions which occur naturally during the course of a woman’s life at different stages that the essential nutrients are not created adequately. The method of female hair loss treatment by using natural and herbal ingredients is the best option because the hair is provided with the needed nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

The body has to no longer create these elements by itself, without affecting your body in any way, and that is the prime reason as to why the use of natural products for female hair loss treatment is the best and effective method, which doesn’t have any side effects too, as compared to the chemical products. To know more about female hair loss treatment, please visit – http://www.sephren.com/.

Today, One Out Of Every Five Woman Suffers From Female Hair Loss

30 Jan

Normally, it is a general thing to find baldness in some men, but it is very rare that this problem is affected in females. It is an unbelievable fact that nowadays, one out of every five women is facing this villainous problem of hair thinning and hair breakage, ultimately leading to female hair loss. This is really, an embarrassing problem for them, by which they are affected mentally too. It is hard to believe, but women suffer from hair loss much like man though the causes can be different.

The main causes for female hair loss can be due to hormonal imbalance and menopausal stage. Hormonal Imbalance: This is one of the conditions that occur when a woman enters menopause, which paves the way to hormonal imbalance. Due to this problem of imbalance, there are great chances that lead to excessive hair loss.

A mere entrance or being in the stage of menopause is not just the event that leads to hormonal imbalance in females. They can also develop such a situation due to fatigue, stress or anxiety, which can result in the female hair loss. Such kind of loss does not lead to total balding of the scalp.

In many cases, a general hair thinning all across the scalp is seen. In order to cure this condition, you have to visit your doctor immediately to see if the reason behind your hair loss is a hormonal imbalance or not. If it is, then most probably, your doctor would prescribe a drug like estrogens to rectify the imbalance of hormone and thus stop your hair loss. In this way, your hair shall start to re-grow once your imbalance is checked.

Menopause: It is in the stage of menopause that the testosterone that a woman has in her body becomes unchecked. When this occurs, then it gets converted to DHT or dihydrotestosterone. The DHT, which is created this way in the body, attaches itself to the hair follicles. This in turn, prevents nutrients from reaching the hair follicles, thereby weakening the hair strands. Subsequently, the hair strand falls off, and the follicle gradually shrinks and dies. This kind of hair loss is called female pattern baldness.

There Are Reasons for Female Hair Loss

This condition of female hair loss is quite common in women nowadays. Over 40 million women living in the United States suffer from this menace today. Fortunately, the Federal Drug Administration or FDA has approved a few hair loss remedies for women to help them combat this situation. The other main reasons to be mentioned for female hair loss are anaemia, quick change in weight, and after-effects of surgery.

Women are generally said to be very emotional by nature, and so acute illness or a death in the family, or any sort of depression in the family also contribute to female hair loss. A few medical health conditions like abnormalities in the thyroid gland secretion, medications for blood pressure and gout can also lead to women’s hair loss. To know more about female hair loss – its cause, symptoms and treatments, please visit – http://www.sephren.com/.